Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Presbyterian Paganism in the ARP?

Rev. Chuck Wilson has posted a new article over at ARPTalk asking why the Erskine lawsuit has not yet been dropped? If you remember, a compromise agreement was reached near the conclusion of Synod in June which basically said, the ARP will back away from trying to restructure the Board of Erskine, if the lawsuit against the denomination is dropped. The Synod approved this compromise. It's been a month and a half, and the lawsuit has not been dropped. What is preventing Taylor, Young and Chesnut (the three men who brought the suit) from dropping it right now?

Go read Rev. Wilson's article The Commission Was Right! The Erskine Lawsuit is Still Active! to hear his opinion on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. The lawsuit not being dropped is ridiculous! Actually, it is beyond ridiculous. The men involved need to uphold their agreement.
