Friday, July 30, 2010

Reformation in the City: On Ruling Elders in the PCA

Over at Reformation in the City, Ruling Elder Kenneth Kang-Hui has written a great post on Ruling Elders in the PCA. He makes several good points regarding the nature of the office and the responsibilities that come along with it. A few things I really liked in his post were:

- His emphasis on the parity of Teaching and Ruling Elders. Too often people (elders included) view the pastor as the head elder or the "real" authority, and the ruling elders are seen as either yes-men or (conversely) as men whose job is to "keep the pastor in check." Neither of these options are biblical and neither will lead to a healthy church.
- His point that the training of men for the office of elder should neither focus exclusively on theology nor should it be " just a 'baptized' version of the latest business management methodology."
- His suggestion for ongoing training of Ruling Elders. I think this could be a great way to keep REs informed of the latest theological issues and help prepare them to better shepherd the flock.

Head on over to Reformation in the City and read the whole article. And thanks to RE Kang-Hui for posting his thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. Kenneth, any way I can talk to you over the phone?
    I have a related issue I'd like to discuss
